2331 Commercial Blvd
State College, PA 16801

Meet Our Regional Suppliers

Our regional producers are companies making products within 200 miles.  This enables us to cover the entire state of Pennsylvania which has a vast and varied number of producers.  Nature's Pantry is proud to support local farmers and food producers! By working directly with our local producers, we:

  • Cut down on precious fossil fuel use and the resulting pollution
  • Provide fresher, more trustworthy products
  • Support the local economy, keeping dollars in our community

We are committed to supporting sustainable, healthy living. We carry locally produced goods whenever possible. Money we spend on local food is good for the economy, because it stays in our region. It brings us closer to the people who grow our food, and helps support family farms. Since it doesn’t travel far, local food helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Vellum StreetBodycare, SOap166
Brainstar Wellnessteas67
Wilbur’sWilbur Buds and chocolate chips125www.wilburbuds.com
Purple Lizardmaps10
Kauffman’sApple and Fruit Butters133www.kauffmansfruitfarm.com
OlbasTea, Inhalers, Lozenges166
RadiusTooth Brushes, Dental Floss, Travel Caes149madebyradius.com
Big Al'sMustards16www.facebook.com/Big-Als-Sweet-Spicy-Mustard-271621966293760
Gootessacheese fudge mustard jam16www.facebook.com/Goot-Essa-170388446309382
Sun and EarthLaundry and Cleaning Supplies192sunandearth.com
Once Again Nut ButterPeanut and Nut Butters192www.onceagainnutbutter.com
Cooke TavernDried Soup Mixes22www.cooketavern.com
Hostetler FarmsEggs, Butter, Sauerkraut24
Stone MeadowCheese29www.facebook.com/Stone-Meadow-Farm-359244567530783
Ace HoneyHoney38
Byler's Goat DairyGoat Milk and Cheeses33
Singing Dog VanillaVanilla, Vanilla Beans166
Homestead CulturesKombucha Fermented Veggies and Kraut24
Golden AcresBee Pollen22
Rissler's DairyRaw Milk67
Clover Creek Cheese CellarsCheese and Raw Milk52www.clovercreekcheese.com
Whitetail Lane FarmsGoat Milk Soap Lotion Bath Products7
Keystone CulturesKombucha Water Kefir16
Frankferd FarmsStone Ground Flours145https://frankferd.com/">Frankferd Farm
Tait FarmsShrub, Salad Dressing, Jams and Spreads9www.taitfarmfoods.com
Pompeii StreetSoaps, Lotions, Scrubs, Deodorant45Pompeii STreet
Fetterolf Family Maple ProductsMaple Syrup Products25https://www.facebook.com/p/Fetterolf-Family-Maple-Syrup-100057427960335/">
Cafe LemontCoffee1sites.google.com/site/therealcafelemont/home
Village EatinghouseSalad Dressings and Marinades, Spice Blends4villageeatinghouse.net
Wild For SalmonAlaskan Salmon Fillets, Burgers Smoked Salmon83www.wildforsalmon.com
Shanny Farmsquail eggs5
Happy Valley Chefsoup1
Painterland Sistersskyr and yogurt54
Trifoliafresh tofu45
Kate's Real FoodNutrition Bars95
BakerlyBread Brioche Hamberger Buns Croissants166

Company Distance

God’s Country Creamery – 110 miles
Old State Farms – 118 miles
Musselman’s – 118 miles
Wilbur’s – 125 miles
Utz 131 miles
John Cope’s Dried Corn – 132 miles
Kauffman’s – 133 miles
Shiloh Farms – 137 miles
Liv Organics – 137 miles
Radius – 149 miles
Big Al’s Mustard – 16 miles
Goot Essa – 16 miles
Brad’s – 192 miles

Nourish – 175 miles
Wolff’s – 178 miles
Sun and Earth 192 miles
Once Again Nut Butter – 192 miles
Cooke Tavern Soups – 22 miles
Hostetler Farms 24 miles
Stone Meadow – 29 miles
Fisher Honey – 32 miles
Byler Goat Dairy – 33 miles
Naked Granola – 34 miles
Sweet Annie Herbs – 36 miles
Better Batter Gluten Free – 37 miles

High Valley Farms – 41 miles
Happy Cow – 47 miles
Clover Creek Cellars – 52 miles
Two Sisters – 6 miles
Rip Rap Bakery – 65 miles
Piper’s Peck – 7 miles
Burnt Cabins – 77 miles
Zimmerman’s – 88 miles
Tait’s – 9 miles
Torchbearer Sauces – 94 miles
Salt Skills Himalayan – 95 miles